Healing the Root Chakra Before Birth

Mūlādhāra, the Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is the first of our energy centers. It is the starting point of our development. The vital life force energy of Root Chakra begins at conception & continues dividing the cells during Embryogenesis.

In the womb the spinal column begins to develop from the bottom (root chakra) moving to up (crown chakra). Then organs begin to develop. 🫁 🫀👁

The Root Chakra is associated with the FIRST task we undertake after birth, which is to determine “Do I belong here?” …on this Earth and in this family system. It is not a conceptual question based on (thinking) cognition. It is instinctual.

Mūlādhāra is the most instinctual of all chakras – it is your survival center. The primal energy of survival is fight, flight, or freeze response and is initiated from Root chakra energy. This is where survival begins.

This is the chakra that controls our animal nature & governed by the predominant survival sense of smell, then taste. This is the very primitive sensing of the world that a newborn infant engages in, commonly called “rooting” as the baby, through its mouth and sense of smell, turns her/his head, ’rooting’ around, and sensing her/his way to food. Overtime if this primal survival need is met, the infant will move directly to the object without searching. The infant found his/her first primitive affirmation that he/she DOES belong in this world and that survival will be supported. 🤲
Psychologist Erik Erickson highlights the “stages of development”, the first stage—trust versus mistrust—is closely related to Root chakra development. As an infant, if your caregivers consistently provided you what you needed to survive (food, water, love, affection, & emotional calm), then you felt secure in the world. You felt that the world was a place that could be trusted to provide your basic needs. However, if your environment was chaotic and/or caregivers emotionally unavailable to you and/or if your caregivers withheld, delayed, or were inconsistent in giving you what you needed, then you will lack trust & security, & may find yourself with Root chakra imbalance or blockages.

Whether or not you feel secure now is significantly impacted by how safe you felt as a small child. And by how your were treated/mistreated at birth (invasive procedures).

The root chakra is comprised of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, safety, as well as your emotional needs of interconnection, and being fearless. When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe.

For as long as we live we will be confronted with problems. The ignorant & unconscious take them as nuisance & misfortune, but the wise regard them as valuable & beneficial experiences. When we learn from them and begin to work on ourselves we progress in our spiritual development. If we do not do this we remain stuck in the suffering and continue to replay the painful lessons.

Ways to heal, access & strengthen the root chakra and your stability in the world:

Accessing your birth trauma
Shadow work
Addressing traumatic events when the root chakra was a sealed and/or severed from your whole energetic body
Reparenting work to access & establish a strong, unwavering foundation of security & safety ❤️‍🔥

Over the last 18 months dance & kundalini have been one of the few primary practices I use for accessing and supporting my own healing and the flow of this energy.

Learning choreography has been super good for my brain too!! 😁

What are your practices for accessing and supporting this?



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